Squeezium hands stimulation exercise to lower blood pressure
According to a study abroad that stated that proper hand compression can contribute to lowering blood pressure, so Jintjutha Prateepthinthong, a graduate of Chula Faculty of Architecture developed Squeezium, a hand-squeezing device that looks like a Joy Stick, used in conjunction with an application to recommend and plan correct hand exercises.
“Players simply squeeze their hands to force a floating balloon (on-screen) to dodge the obstacles. If they squeeze their hands with the correct force of 30 percent, the balloon will dodge the obstacles, but if the force is not sufficient, the application will suggest how to do it until the correct force is applied. Players will continue to increase the level of play. The game is believed to make the elderly enjoy their exercise.”
For those who don’t like playing games, Squeezium will act like a personal trainer who will recommend the right exercise. The device’s screen will display the levels of strength of hand squeeze in a graph format. A reminder for workouts based on a set goal can also be set. university thailand
“Hopefully, this innovation will serve as an option for people who start to have high blood pressure but still don’t want to take medications. Continuous exercise may help. This device will help motivate the seniors to continue exercising,” Jindjutha added that Squeezium is easy to use. Seniors can just open the application, and there will be animated instructions for them to follow and enjoy themselves.
